In a surprise twist to the politics in Karnataka that could have repercussion nationally, Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy, hours before presenting the budget, called for a press conference and released an audio clip of a conversation between the state’s BJP chief B.S. Yeddyurrappa and JDS MLA Naganagowda Kandkur’s son Sharana where the BJP made an offer of Rs. 25 lakh and offered ministerial berth to the MLA’s father.
Speaking to reporters at a press conference, Kumaraswamy said that the calls mentions “the name of Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis and other heads of institutions.” Explaining about the BJP’s modus operandi, he said that the Saffron Party does not contact the MLAs directly but gets in touch with a close aide who can or is in a position to influence the MLA.
Kumaraswamy also accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP for encouraging his “friends” to demolish India’s democracy through such sick tactics. “I demand the Prime Minister to show his real face,” he said, speaking to reporters adding that anti-BJP allies will expose the truth of the Prime Minister in Parliament.”
Meanwhile, JD(S) Chief H.D. Deve Gowda tweeted: “Our promise: FarmersLoanWaiver – Status: Ongoing
Modi’s promise: Ram Mandir, Clean Ganga, Interlinking of rivers,15 Lakh into bank accounts… -Status: Never
‘Ongoing’ is a better status to be in than ‘Never’. The only ‘Ongoing’ status in BJP is ‘Operation Lotus”attempt in Karnataka,” targeting the BJP’s poaching game. With such tapes making their way into the media, looks like there’s more in store for the BJP in South.