It is already known that the biopic on YSR titled Yatra is all set to hit the screens on Jagan’s birthday in December this year. While Malayalam superstar Mammootty is playing the role of YSR, the surprise edition Vijay Deverakonda as YS Jagan, earned more attention from all corners, thanks to Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam.
There were reports that Yatra’s overseas rights have been sold at around Rs 4 Cr, which seems to be a big number at this moment. Though the movie teaser and posters managed to strike some chords, to recover the monstrous sums, the film needs at least 1 million in collections in the USA for breakeven.
We have seen movies that were sold at huge prices left overseas distributors in losses when the movie failed to survive after the first weekend. Looks like Yatra needs a good start and consistent run to break even and for profits. All this happens if Yatra has content that enthralls the audience and also gets a chance to release without tough competition around. Vijay Chilla and Sashi Devireddy are producing the film and Mahi V Raghav is directing it.