To succeed in today’s noisy marketplace, it’s not enough for brands to just scream offers and discounts.That’s where PAD (, an integrated communications entity, comes in to help by laying out paths for brands to penetrate into the market through effective, relatable storytelling.
Spread across Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Mumbai, catering to businesses from different verticals, PAD helps businesses retain the loyalty of their consumers and helps form a bond beyond transactions.
In the pursuit of finding ways to communicate more effectively in shorter spans of time, PAD has just launched PAD PLAY, a content production house, that puts out stories to create emotional connections and captivate an audience.
From Brand communication to Intellectual Property development purposed for brands, PAD is aiming to build a lot of traction for itself and its team of storytellers in South India!
Besides this, the team at PAD PLAY is also in the pursuit of making premium video entertainment content that would turn out to be just what the doctor ordered for a rapidly growing OTT crazy audience segment.Gautam Reddy, CEO, PAD & PAD PLAY had this to say; “We have enjoyed the warmth and. collaboration of our clients that have helped us journey to a reasonably good understanding of consumption patterns and behavioural preferences of audiences of varied demographics and psychographics.
It is hard to look the other way when one has the opportunity to dish out cutting-edge storytelling and plots to an audience looking for meaningful ways to fulfilll their insatiable appetite for entertainment.
We are looking to collaborate with the best talent out there and have a few plots already lined up with some national and regional platforms.”