Only recently senior actor Mohan Babu and star comedian Brahmanandam were dragged into a legal tussle because of the alleged misuse of their Padma titles. Court even went to the extent of cancelling their titles and restricted them using the Padma title for commercial gain hereafter. One more top Bollywood hero is currently facing the same regarding his Padma title. A complaint was lodged by an RTI activist Subhash Agarwal, asking the Home Ministry to take back the actor Saif Ali Khan Padma Shri conferred on him in 2010.
Agarwal’s complaint says, “I had filed a complaint in the Ministry of Home Affairs when a Mumbai court had framed charges against him. I had demanded that the Padma award must be taken back from him. This is not the first time that I’ve filed this complaint.” But according to the government stand, those charges made by Mumbai Court on Saif Ali Khan over a restaurant brawl with an NRI, were made after he was conferred the Padma award. Hence it is unlikely that the government is going to strip off the title from the actor.