A reply to the RTI query filed by an activist Commodore (Retired) Lokesh Batra has to surprise everyone as it revealed that the neighboring nation of India-Pakistan-has imposed a bill of Rs 2.86 lakh as ‘route navigation charges’ on Indian PM Narendra Modi’s flights. Batra, who sought data between August last year to January 30, 2018 has handed a copy to Press Trust of India (PTI) as well.
Going into news, Modi, on December 25 in 2015, has paid a sudden visit to Lahore (Pakistan) to attend birthday celebrations of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. It has sent some signs of friendship among both the rival nations, but it was tampered in the later days. However, the Pak authorities have then issued a bill of Rs 1.49 lakhs as route navigation charges for PM Modi’s flight during that visit.
Later, PM Narendra Modi’s special plane landed in Pakistan for two times – during his Iran visit (May 22-23, 2016) and Qatar visit (June 4-6, 2016). Both these stopovers (in Pak) attracted a bill of Rs 77,215 and Rs 59,215 respectively – the total bill amounting to Rs 2.86 lakhs. The data gathered through RTI application reveals about the usage of Indian Air Force aircraft by Prime Minister to 11 foreign nations including Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Qatar, Australia, Iran, Fiji and Singapore.
A total of Rs 2 Crore has been spent on PM’s foreign trips for the use IAF aircraft during this period. All these bills are subjected to be cleared by external affairs ministry of India.