Panasonic Eluga Note launched at Rs. 13,290


Panasonic India on Monday launched its 5.5-inch Eluga Note at Rs. 13,290. Eluga Note comes with a full-HD IPS (in-plane switching) display with bright and low-power consuming LTPS (Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon) display.“We are confident that ELUGA Note will enhance our market share as an emerging smartphones brand and further strengthen our position in the price band of Rs. 10,000-Rs. 15,000,” Pankaj Rana, business head, mobility division, Panasonic India, told reporters.

The phablet is powered by a 1.3GHz octacore processor and a 3GB RAM. It has 32GB internal memory that can be expanded up to 32GB.It runs on Android Marshmallow 6.0 operating system with Panasonic FitHome user interface.

Eluga Note sports a 16MP rear camera with triple LED flash and features a F1.9 aperture for better low light photography and a 6P Lens for ultra-fast auto focus.The front 5 MP camera features voice capture, smile shot and gesture based shot. The 4G VoLTE enabled phablet is backed by a 3000mAh battery unit.