Bollywood Diva Parineeti Chopra is all set to make her Telugu debut with Superstar Mahesh Babu’s next in the direction of Tamil Star director, AR Murgadoss. The actress reportedly charged a whopping 3.5 Crore for this film which is the highest ever remuneration for an actress in Telugu till date. Parineeti reportedly gave a good thought for about 2 months to decide up on acting in the film. Earlier she was approached for Janatha Garage but did not agree to that.
Currently the movie’s pre-production work is going on at brisk pace and the makers are planning to begin the movie shoot with a song from July 15th. The official announcement of the film will come out very soon. Rumours are rife that he will be seen as an intelligence officer in the film which questions our legal system. If the rumour turns to be true, Mahesh Babu will be seen in a Never before seen role in the film.
Source say Mahesh Babu’s characterization will be the highlight of the film. Ace film cinematographer Santosh Sivan will be cranking camera for this film. Harris Jairaj will be composing the music. According to the buzz, the film will be made at a budget of whopping 85 Crore. A major chunk of it will go for the remunerations of Mahesh, Murugadoss and other top class technicians roped in for the project. Bollywood Diva Praneeti Chopra will be romancing the actor in this film.