Good days are back for Nandamuri Kalyan Ram as his latest offing Pataas is minting money at the Box Office and faring well at the ticket windows. Besides this, the positive talk, good reviews have helped the film bag fancy price for its satellite rights.
Apparently a leading entertainment channel has bought the film’s TV rights for Rs 4.30 Crore which is considered as a record for Kalyan Ram film. Given that success has been eluding Kalyan Ram, his recent films failed to rake in moolah on small screen too.
After a longtime, the Nandamuri scion managed to score success and thus laughing all the way to the bank. Thanks to writer-turned-director Anil Ravipudi who made it possible. “Predicting the success, Kalyan Ram has hold the film’s satellite rights and didn’t sell it before the film’s release.
He wait till the film’s release so that the film’s success would add benefit. Finally, his efforts paid off,” said a source close to the actor-producer.