The controversy surrounding Deepika Padukone’s bikini color in ‘Besharam Rang’ song from her upcoming film ‘Pathaan’ is not going to end soon. While people were awestruck by the unlimited glamour show of the ‘Padamavat’ actress in this song, a few sections of the people were hurt by the fact that Deepika wore a saffron colored two-piece bikini.
A lot of pro-Hindu associations demanded the team to remove those portions completely from the film and a state’s Home Minister gave a public warning as well. A few people inside the industry stood in support of the actress and the movie unit as well. While the controversy is still going on, the latest we hear is that the censor board is getting involved in this issue.
We don’t see the Censor board taking such measures before the movie is presented in front of them. They usually watch the movie before its release, ask for a few cuts if necessary and award a suitable certificate. Sources say that they got involved in this issue and asked the team of ‘Pathaan’ to change the color of Deepika’s bikini in the song and had reportedly left them with no other option.
The makers announced the release date and it will be released in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil. Produced by Aditya Chopra, ‘Pathaan’ is releasing on 25th January 2023. Satchith Paulose is the director of photography. Siddharth Anand wrote the story and directed this film while Shridhar Raghavan penned the screenplay. Let us wait till Republic Day to witness this action spectacle on the big screens. Siddharth Anand is the director while Aditya Chopra is the producer. John Abraham is playing a negative role in this slick action thriller.