A man from Kerala, Malappuram district was slammed with sedition charges over derogatory remarks against Lt Col EK Niranjan, who lost his life in Pathankot terror strike. The post, which was actually written in Malayalam and was translated, says “One trouble is less now.
Now his wife will get a job and money. Common people will get nothing. What a stinking democracy!” It was really unappealing to see that such insulting remark was posted in the time when Punjab was mourning for its warriors.
The remarks bear potential to undermine the democracy of India and spark controversies. “Anwar Sadhik was arrested last night and was charged under Section 124 B,” said Shah Jahan, SI at Chevayur police station.
Shockingly, Anwar pretended as journalist working for reginal newspaper and posted the remarks. However, the newspaper organization leveled the complaint against Anwar as the remark could serve enough to tarnish the image of the firm.