Jana Sena Narsapur MP candidate and actor Naga Babu said Pawan Kalyan is the one and only man in Telangana who can open his mouth and speak fearlessly and it is evident in the intermediate exam results that had loopholes.
Speaking at the Lok Sabha and assembly candidates committee meeting, Naga Babu raised this topic which is in headlines for the past one week. “The so called paid artists and politicians, did not speak or raise their voice in this whole episode. Why are they in so much fear? Our Jana Sena student and youth staged a very good protest at PragathI Bhavan and our party has that guts to question any one. It was Pawan Kalyan, who did not criticise the government heads but found fault with the system. After that Telangana CM has announced re-verification and re-valuation for free,” said Naga Babu.
The actor turned politician also opined that after Pawan’s call, the government reacted but it was too late by then, as the death toll of students increased. If the government would have reacted a bit early, then at least 10 student lives could have been saved.
Then Naga Babu appealed to the Jana Sena cadre in Telangana to win the trust of people for the local body polls and make sure the party gets a secure place.