The ongoing war of words between the Telugu Desam Party MPs and Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan continues and the latest is that Vijayawada MP Kesineni Srinivas has hit back at actor-politician a day after he said that only five MPs participated in a debate on AP Reorganisation Act Amendments’ Bill 2015 held on March 17 in Parliament.
Accusing Pawan Kalyan of not aware of how Lok Sabha functions, Kesineni Nani explains where Pawan has gone wrong in their case by stating that parliamentary practice allows only few MPs from TDP to speak about the topic in the lower house.
Kesineni Srinivas alias Nani was quoted as saying by a leading daily, “Time given to an MP in any debate depended on time given to his party as a whole, which in turn is dependent on the party’s strength in the Lok Sabha. As far as strength in the Lok Sabha is concerned, the TDP is in seventh place next after Shiv Sena.
Approximately, the TDP gets six to seven minutes to express its views on a given topic. The party asks one of its MPs to speak. Subjects are shared among MPs. I speak on issues such as railway and highways. TDP MPs were present when the discussion took place. So to say that I failed to speak on amendment bill is wrong.”
Nani said that the actor should first aware of parliamentary practices before making such strong comments on them. He, however, said, he has nothing personal against Pawan Kalyan and said ready to work with him if he joins hands for the cause.