For the last few days, film star and Janasena party president Pawan Kalyan has been having a really tough time. Controversial actress Sri Reddy and several women’s rights activists ganged up and lambasted Pawan Kalyan. Sri Reddy went a step further and abused Pawan Kalyan using unparliamentary language.
Meanwhile, self proclaimed critic Mahesh Kathi, who has been attacking Pawan Kalyan for the last few months, also launched a veiled attack on the Janasena chief. While Pawan has been maintaining a dignified silence, his diehard fans who are totally upset with all the unjust treatment to Pawan Kalyan, have been giving fitting counters to Sri Reddy, Mahesh Kathi and others.
Till date, not a single film industry celebrity raised his or her voice in support of Pawan Kalyan. Finally, Pawan’s cult fans from the industry – his nephews Sai Dharam Tej, Varun Tej and Nithiin took to Twitter and posted a few cryptic tweets targeting Sri Reddy and Mahesh Kathi. The three young stars requested the agitating fans to be not bothered about hypocrites and judgemental people.
Needless to say, the timely support from Nithiin and both the young Mega heroes had received immense praise from Pawan’s fans. However, it remains to be seen whether Pawan will manage to come out of this mess anytime soon.