Actor-politician-philanthropist Pawan Kalyan, who has met his critically ailing young fan Sreeja at a private hospital, gifted her a silver idol of Goddess Lakshmi and wished her fast recovery. Pawan obliged to meet 12-year-old B Sreeja, a seventh class student of Palvancha town in Khammam district, after Make A Wish foundation approached the star.
Pawan Kalyan had spent over half-an-hour with Sreeja in the Intensive Care Unit of the private hospital. Apart from gifting her Goddess Lakshmi idol, Pawan also gifted few toys to Sreeja. As we reported earlier, Pawan broke down after seeing the pain of his 12-yr-old diehard fan. Sreeja is battling for life with acute neurological disorder.
With this larger-than-life act in real, Pawan Kalyan once again proved that he is the true star on earth. Pawan literally won the hearts of people with this act. Not long ago he showcased his love for people by donating Rs 50 Lakh to AP CM’s Relief Fund for the victims of Hudhud in AP. Perhaps, it’s his off-screen persona that catapults his fans to connect with him instantly and go berserk for him. He’s one and only Pawan Kalyan.