Stylish Star Allu arjun‘s new movie in the direction of Trivikram will go on floors soon. Earlier, Samantha and Adah Sharma have been roped in as the female leads of this movie. The latest addition is that Bapu Bomma Pranitha has been confirmed as the third heroine of the movie. Apparently, the movie is touted as a romantic entertainer with the touch of Allu arjun‘s mark of dances and fights.
Interestingly, Trivikram, Devi Sri Prasad, Samantha and Pranitha, who were teamed up for ‘AD’, are teaming up for Allu arjun‘s movie. On the other hand, Allu arjun‘, who is riding high on the blockbuster hit ‘Race Gurram’, is now aiming at an industry hit with Trivikram’s combo film. The movie is being produced by Radhakrishna on Harika and Hassine Creations.