TRS MP from Nizamabad and Kalvakuntla scion Kavitha has hit out at her arch rival-Jana Sena Party chief Pawan Kalyan once again. In a blistering attack, Kavitha told a leading daily, ” Where is Pawan Kalyan now (after elections)? Why is he not coming into public? He is make-up and pack-up guy. He comes into public ahead of elections with a little make-up, does his act and goes off after elections are done. But, we have been with people ever since we come into politics and will remain so.”
Kavitha has pointed out that why Pawan suddenly became “silent” after elections though he floated a political party during the elections. Although the issue of Pawan “missing” in action has been doing the rounds for a while, with none other than the sharp criticism come from Kalvakuntla family, it has gained so much significance. Now it’s time for Pawan Kalyan and Jana Sena to give befitting reply.
It may be recalled that Pawan lashed out at Kavitha and her father during the election campaigning. In fact, Pawan Kalyan questioned Kavitha about the “funds” she received for Telangana Jagruti and asked her to be “transparent” in “usage of funds” to which she remained tight-lipped. Looks like, Pawan-Kavitha battle is back.