Janasena chief and newly appointed Deputy Chief Minister, Pawan Kalyan, marked his first Independence Day in office with a grand welcome. The event was marked by a series of notable occurrences, including a unique salute to a police dog. However, the highlight of the day was the endearing interaction between Pawan Kalyan and his daughter, Aadya.
A beautiful selfie capturing the father-daughter duo on stage quickly went viral. While Pawan Kalyan clicked the picture, Aadya displayed a sweet gesture by slightly bending her head. This heartwarming moment touched the hearts of many.
Adding depth to the story, Aadya’s mother, Renu Desai, shared insights into the background of the photograph. She revealed that Aadya had expressed a keen desire to attend the Independence Day celebrations with her father. Renu Desai expressed her happiness at the prospect of Aadya spending quality time with her father and gaining a firsthand understanding of his demanding role as a public servant. By witnessing her father’s dedication to the people of Andhra Pradesh, Aadya was expected to develop a deeper appreciation for his work.
Renu Desai’s candid post provided a touching glimpse into the personal lives of the celebrities involved and further endeared them to the public.