Pawan Kalyan’s grand comeback in Tollywood with the pink remake is a known fact and fans are thrilled to learn that the shooting has already begun. However, the actor is also busy with Andhra politics as Janasaena formed an alliance with the BJP. Amid his busy shuttling between shooting and politics, producer Dil Raju suggested him to first shoot the major part of the remake before getting occupied with the ongoing politics.
Directed by Venu Sriram, the pink remake will have PSPK in a lawyer role, which was played by Big B in Hindi version. To everyone’s surprise, the actor has also signed another film under Krish direction and the film is said to be a period drama. Launching today at the Aluminium factory, this plush period drama will possibly have a B-town’s established actress as the female lead.
AM Rathnam is producing this period drama on a huge budget and MM Keeravani will provide the music. Being the 27th film for PK, the film is said to be based on a folk style period. Now, that Pawan is back to Tollywood with one on one films after bidding adieu to films for his political seriousness, fans are grateful to the actor as they get to see him on silver screens very soon.