Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh has ended up as a big disaster. The actor however is not dejected with the failure and is keen on moving on. He is frequently participating in the story sittings of his next film which will be directed by his Kushi and Puli director, SJ Suryah.
It is said that Pawan Kalyan do not want to waste time thinking over the failure and begin the film from this month-end. There are rumours that the film is the sequel to Pawan Kalyan and SJ Surya’s classical hit, Kushi.
The official announcement of the project should give us the right idea, it may be expected in the next couple of weeks. The last film in Pawan Kalyan and SJ Surya combination, Komaram Puli is the biggest disaster movie in Pawan Kalyan’s career.
The movie was directed by SJ Suriya who directed Pawan Kalyan’s blockbuster movie, Kushi and so it released amidst huge expectations and it fell short of every thing.