According to Forbes India, Power Star Pawan Kalyan has pocketed Rs 57 crore income for the year 2013. Pawan is placed at 26th position in Forbes 100 Celebrities list and way ahead than his peers like Mahesh Babu (54), Nagarjuna (61), Ravi Teja (68) and Ram Charan (69). In money ranking, Pawan is at 13th place and in fame ranking the star is at 79th position.
Mahesh Babu’s income for the year, according to magazine, is Rs 28.96 crore despite having major brand endorsements under his belt. With this, Pawan Kalyan has pipped Mahesh Babu to the post with just two blockbusters Gabbar Singh and Atharintiki Daredi to his credit.
Kamal Haasan, who is back in news for his controversial film Vishwaroopam, is at 47th position whereas Athiloka Sundari Sridevi bagged 73rd spot. Sania Mirza manages to find place in the 100 Clebrities and she secured 84th rank.