Tollywood’s popular comedian Ali has recently been on news for meeting YSRCP chief Jagan. Later, he went on to meet CM Chandrababu Naidu and is planning to join TDP. It is also heard that Ali is keen to contest as MLA from the Guntur district and requested the same to Chandrababu.
From the beginning, Ali has amicable relations with the whole Megastar family. He is a close friend of Pawan Kalyan. People speculated that Ali would definitely join Janasena with respect to Pawan’s friendship. But looks like things went the other way round.
Now, Ali started praising Pawan Kalyan all of a sudden and even said Pawan is Father Teresa for his humanitarian assistance to the people. On the other hand, Ali has been recently felicitated by Chandrababu and this leaves the public in a confusing state whether Ali is joining TDP or YSRCP or Janasena.
But, Ali has confirmed that he is absolutely ready to enter any party only if he gets a proper invitation with an MLA ticket. Therefore, it is assured that Ali is on no one’s side and is solely looking for a grand political entry. However, he is also has close connections with both Jagan and Chandrababu apart from Pawan Kalyan.