Sampath Nandi who delivered a super hit to Ram Charan in the form of Racha is going to direct Power Star Pawan Kalyan in his next movie. There are rumours circulating that the movie is titled ‘Chota Mesthri’ but the director rubbishes it. According to the sources, Kajal Agarwal and Anjali are being considered for the heroine role beside Power Star. The movie will go on to sets once Pawan Kalyan’s ongoing film with Trivikram completes.
Sampath Nandi had also confirmed that Ramana Gogula is not working for their project. Sarath Marar, a long time friend of Pawan Kalyan is going to produce the movie. Sarath Marar is currently the CEO of NTV. He started of his official career with Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Limited (ABCL) in 1996. He is well associated with the film industry having worked closely with Chiranjeevi, Allu Arvind, Pawan Kalyan, Ram Gopal Varma, Krishnavamsi, Puri Jagannath etc. He presented the recently released Telugu version of Hanuman film.