Speculations were abuzz that Pawan Kalyan will star in the Telugu remake of ‘Kaththi’ which went on to become a money spinner in Kollywood. Adding fuel to fire, A special screening has been arranged for Pawan by Tagore Madhu (who bought the Telugu dubbing rights) on Tuesday night. However, Plans to remake ‘Kaththi’ has been dropped in the last minute.
Highly placed sources inform, Pawan Kalyan couldn’t give his nod to ‘Kaththi’ remake even though he liked the movie immensely as he believe the timing was incorrect. The actor-turned-politician feels taking up a subject based on farmers issue at this juncture would adversely affect AP Capital plans. It may affect the AP Government’s Land Pooling from farmers for AP Capital. He doesn’t want to take any decision that would send the message of being anti-Government at this juncture.
As a result, ‘Kaththi’ Telugu Dub which is scheduled to hit the screens on October 31st would release on November 21st (As per distributors).