Janasena President Pawan Kalyan’s unnecessary bashing of TV Channels in connection with Sri Reddy issue has resulted in a huge dent for him. All the news channels who got brickbats from him are now not even airing a small snippet about him during their prime time.
Moving on, now there is this big entertainment channel that is really the king of TRP and has all the big films in its hand. This particular channel is looking forward to starting ‘mother of all shows’, we mean TRP reaping show, to which the whole of Telugu states will be hooked to.
Apparently, to host Amir Khan’s Satyameva Jayate like a TV show in Telugu, which will be aired just before the election campaign starts in Andhra Pradesh, they are looking for a right host. Couple of days back, the bigwigs from the channel have approached Pawan, but the actor-politician rejected it, revealed a source. Saying that his political commitments won’t give him time, the Janasena president expressed his inability, though he is being offered a lump sum remuneration.
And then, we have the channel running after a couple of other big heroes now, hoping that their presence will be a game changer on the TV show circuit.