Powerstar Pawan Kalyan will begin the regular shooting of his next in the direction of his Kushi and Puli director, SJ Suryah from the first week of June. Sources close to the actor confirm that the movie is the remake of Tamil blockbuster, Vedhalam. But the makers have already refused that the movie is a remake.
That indicates that they may be trying to make a freemake of the film with out paying the royality to the makers of the Tamil version which amounts to stealing. It is really astonishing to see Pawan Kalyan involved in such thing. Until now we have heard that Husharu is being considered as the film title. But new rumours suggest that they are considering Senapathi as the title.
And a caption ‘Nammitha Pranalaina Isthadu’ is also in the rumour mills. The film will start rolling in Pollachi. Interestingly, Gabbar Singh was also extensively shot in Pollachi. This is the second Gabbar Singh connect for the film after selecting Gabbar Singh heroine Shruti Haasan. S.J Suryah along with writer Akula Siva have been working on the story since the last 5 months, constantly discussing and sharing the progress with Pawan Kalyan.