Powerstar Pawan Kalyan had delivered a big disaster with his last film, Sardaar Gabbar Singh. The next project of the actor under the direction of SJ Suryah will now begin next month in Pollachi. The makers are planning to shoot non-stop for the film and line it up for Sankranthi release. Pawan Kalyan film is arriving for Sankranthi after several years.
Until now we have heard that Husharu and Senapathi are being considered as the film titles. But new rumours suggest that they are considering ‘Kadapa King’ as the title. Producer Sharath Marar’s North Star Entertainments registered the title in film chamber aiding the rumours. S.J Suryah along with writer Akula Siva have been working on the story since the last 5 months.
Earlier the makers have informed that Shruti Haasan is confirmed as the female lead in the film. But now sources say she is not confirmed and the makers are in hunt for the heroine. They say they are in talks with Nenu Shailaja fame Keerthy Suresh to romance the actor. Anoop Rubens is the music composer.