Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is quite occupied with his film shoots and political engagements. The actor is celebrating his 45th birthday today and the actor is currently waiting for the arrival of new family member eagerly.
His wife Anna Lezhnava is said to be the eighth month pregnant and the duo is expecting their baby this October, says a report. Pawan Kalyan who is currently busy with the shoot of Trivikram’s film will fly abroad for the next schedule. He will wrap up the shoot at the earliest and is in plans to spend time with his wife Anna Lezhnava to welcome their new baby. The expected due is in October and the couple already has a girl named Polena.
After Pawan parted ways with Renu Desai, he fell in love with Anna Lezhnava during the shoot of Teen Maar. Anna Lezhnava has been making her presence during the family events of Mega family. From his previous marriage, Pawan has two kids Akira and Aadya.