Powerstar Pawan Kalyan will begin the regular shooting of his next in the direction of Gopala Gopala fame Dolly will begin from the last week of this month or early next month. Pawan Kalyan will be sporting a twirled moustache in this film which is touted to be a remake of Tamil blockbuster, Veeram starring Ajith.
Sources also say that the makers have brought in Bhoopathi Raja, the original writer of Veeram on board to prepare the script. Earlier the makers confirmed that it is a love story of a factionist but refuse to comment about the remake news. We are said that Pawan Kalyan wants to keep it as a secret as it will decrease the hype on the project.
Kadapa King is the title in rumours for this new project but there is no official word. Shruti Haasan who romanced Pawan Kalyan in Gabbar Singh, is likely to pair up with the actor in this film as well. Anup Rubens is the music composer. The makers are targeting Sankranthi 2017 release.