Pawan Kalyan, who took special care in launching his sister’s son Sai Dharam Tej, will also be setting stage for the grand debut of Sai Dharam Tej’s younger brother Vaishnav Tej. Vaishnav happens to be Pawan’s Chinna Alludu.
Apparently, Pawan will listen to the scripts and will finalise one good script for Vaishnav’s debut which is expected to happen in 2018.
Meanwhile, Vaishnav is honing his acting, dancing skills. Also, he is learning skills in stunts to perform on screen. Since Pawan himself is a great martial-arts performer, he suggested Vaishnav to learn them. Although he is pretty busy with his political outfit Janasena and his own films, Pawan is said to be allotting time for his nephews.