Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s highly anticipated upcoming film, helmed by director Surender Reddy and produced by Ram Talluri, has been shrouded in an unexpected cloud of controversy. This controversy ignited when prominent Twitter figures alleged that Surender Reddy was borrowing heavily from a foreign movie to craft this project, causing quite a stir among fans.
Surender Reddy’s past works, including “Oosaravelli” and “Dhruva,” have faced criticism for being perceived as remakes, intensifying the skepticism surrounding this project. Fan battles, online trolling, and heated debates ensued, further fueling the rumors.
However, sources closely linked to the director and scriptwriter Vakkantam Vamsi have stepped forward to clarify that this film boasts an entirely original storyline. They assert that Surender Reddy has meticulously conceptualized the narrative, which has been expertly brought to life by the accomplished scriptwriter.
It’s essential to note that the film has not even entered its pre-production phase, let alone started production.Therefore, passing judgment on these rumors seems premature and unwarranted. Fans and critics alike should exercise patience and reserve their opinions until more concrete information emerges about this exciting project. In the world of cinema, premature judgments often fail to capture the true essence of a film’s creative journey.