It is well known that Pawan Kalyan decided to remake ‘Vinothaya Sitham’ in Telugu. Samuthirakani who made the original will be directing the Telugu version too. While everything seems to fall in place for this project, Pawan asked the makers to complete his shooting within 20 days. They were ready for that too but the star hero’s political commitments is affecting his film career a lot.
Considering his craze, he may not have a problem but his attempt to ride both the ships at once is troubling many, Due to his political interests, he is unable to allow time to his movie shootings. There are reports that Harish Shankar’s ‘Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh’ has been shelved altogether. There is a lot of uncertainty over ‘Hari Hara Veera Mallu’ too. On the other hand, there is no news about ‘VInothaya Sitham’ remake.
Sai Tej is out of action for a good part of the year due to his bike accident. He recovered a few months back and started shooting again for a project bankrolled by star director Sukumar and BVSN Prasad. He agreed to play the second hero’s role in ‘Vinothaya Sitham’. Trivikram and Pawan Kalyan reportedly convinced him and sources say that they want him to stop working on other films until their project is wrapped up.
While the shooting was supposed to start in July, it did not happen which is worrying everyone. With Pawan getting busy in politics again, there is no guarantee regarding when he arrives on the sets. This has now become a concern to Sai Dharam Tej who has high hopes on this movie. He is left hanging and so is director and actor Samuthirakani who left many projects to be a director for this film. Let us wait and see what happens in the coming days.