Director Puri Jagannadh and hero Pawan Kalyan share a ‘special’ bond. Both have worked together for films like Badri, Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu. Though reports were rife that alleged differences surfaced between the duo, Puri later clarified them. With his latest statement, Puri smoothly pointed out at few ‘die-hard’ fans of Pawan who’re bringing ‘bad name’ to Power Star.
Commenting on Pawan Kalyan’s fans hungama at the audio launch of Loafer where they tried to interrupt Prabhas’ speech, Puri said, “I think Pawan Kalyan should tell his fans. He should tell them to be silent (at public functions). Due to few, Pawan may get bad name.”
When asked about his fetish for Bangkok where he pens stories for his films, Puri said, “Bangkok has become my hometown. And coming to India is like coming to foreign country for me. Everyone recognizes me in Bangkok and most of people there know names of all my family members.”
Talking about his son-actor Akash, Puri said that it’d take some three years time for Akash to make his debut as full-fledged hero. Ask Puri whether he is neglecting his brother Sai Ram Shankar who is struggling to become a hero. “It’s not like that. He is doing his own films,” says Puri.
Veering towards Loafer, Puri expressed strong confidence on the film. He said that Loafer is going to be a big hit. “Varun has become a star hero. Loafer is definitely going to become big hit.
Chiranjeevi garu is happy with Varun Tej’s performance in Suvvi Suvvalamma song, a song on mother sentiment.” After debacle like Jyothy Lakshmi, Puri Jagannadh is bracing up for his Loafer which is slated for release on Dec 17.