Andhra Pradesh IT Minister Nara Lokesh continued his tirade against Jana Sena leader Pawan Kalyan. In a fresh counter, the young leader branded Pawan as the adopted son of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“Pawan is doing politics at the behest of the Prime Minister. While Lokesh described his father and Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu as “Abhivruddi Putrudu” (Son of Development), he called Jagan as an “Aviniti Putrudu” (Son of Corruption).
The minister took strong exception to Pawan’s wild allegations against his government. He also took to social media, targeting the Jana Sena leader in the recent times.
Participating in an interaction program with daily labourers, Lokesh said, “the adopted son and son of corruption are jealous of son of development and are resorting to mudslinging to defame the government.”