Many speculations are circulated wide on media that Power Star Pawan Kalyan is going to grace Stylish Star Allu Arjun upcoming film “S/o Satyamurthy” audio launch which was scheduled to be held on March 15th. Rumours spared wide the Trivikram who is the directing “S/o Satyamurthy” invited Pawan Kalyan as chief guest to this audio launch event and Pawan also accepted because of good repo between both.
Mega fans felt happy with the news and hoped that the differences between Mega Family & Pawan Kalyan are clearing off where Pawan also agreed to produce Mega Power Star Ram Charan Tej film. But, latest news we hear from production house may give big blow to Mega Fans. The news is that Power Star Pawan Kalyan tactfully rejected the invitation to grace the Bunny- Trivikram film “S/oSatyamurthy” audio launch function.
Sources say that Pawan said to Trivikram that due to current political scenario it will not fine for him to attend an audio launch event. Sources also added as, earlier the film makers of “S/oSatyamurthy” has planned for grand audio launch event but due to sudden drop of Power Star Pawan Kalyan they changed the plan to organise in a simple way.
Sources close to Production department says, “S/oSatyamurthy” audio launch would be a small private event in a star hotel without any huge crowd presences. According to the latest reports the film’s audio will be released in a simple manner on March 15th in Novatel Hotel in the presence of top celebrities and film’s cast & crew.
Recent release its teaser disappointed fans without having any dialogues but the fans are happy for elevating Allu Arjun stylish looks. Sizzling beauties Samantha, Adah Sharma, Nitya Menon are playing the female leads in the film where Nitya Menon is playing to role as Allu Arjun’s sister.
Rajendra Prasad, Upendra,Sneha are playing important roles in the film for which Devi Sri Prasad is the music director. Film is slated for grand release on April 2nd. Suryadevara Radhakrishna is producing this film on Haarika & Hassine creations banner.