The film unit and security of Sardaar Gabbar Singh starring Power Star Pawan Kalyan have attacked media when they went to shooting spot at Ramanaidu studios in Nanakram Guda to cover the news of Andhra Pradesh ministers visiting the sets to invite the actor for Amaravathi inauguration function to be held on October 22nd. Several cameramen have been injured and few cameras are damaged in the incident.
Media persons gathered in huge numbers, so some disturbance occurred there. However, security persons should have dealt it smoothly. But, they didn’t. So, is the result? Pawan Kalyan will usually have high security and film unit also have joined when they attacked cameramen.
It is a known fact that, Pawan Kalyan’s Jana Sena is an ally party of NDA. The actor campaigned for TDP as well as BJP during the last elections. So, both the parties are giving prime priority to Pawan Kalyan. In fact, AP Govt went back on land acquisition with opposition from the power star.
And CM Chandrababu Naidu sent his ministers to invite Pawan personally for the big event.Meanwhile, the production unit of Sardaar is canning a fight sequence. The film directed by Bobby is likely to release in summer.