Reportedly anchor Suma along with comedian Venu Madhav hosted the audio launch event of ‘Yevadu’. As usual fans went berserk and shouted repeatedly demanding the presence of power star Pawan Kalyan at the event. To cool them all, Venu Madhav repeatedly stated that Pawan Kalyan is unable to attend the event as he is busy in France regarding the shooting of his upcoming movie with Trivikram. But anyway these kinds of words will never satisfy Mega fans attending the event and they were all going gaga and crazy as usual. Producer Dil Raju however cooled them saying that Chiru, Charan and Bunny are going to attend the event in a couple of minutes.
Insiders revealed that Pawan is not in a mood to attend the event as he is completely tired due to month long shooting in Europe. They say that Pawan returned from Europe on late Sunday night itself.