Pawan Kalyan will now have a new price! Well, talk in Tollywood is that his fans have been putting pressure on him to up his remuneration as Mahesh has also increased his remuneration recently. Now, Mahesh was charging Rs 17 crores per film till recently. But after the success of Srimanthudu, he upped his price from Rs 17 crores to Rs 23 crores. Well, at least that’s the amount he will be charging for Murugadoss’ film, which is being produced by NV Prasad. So talk is that Pawan will be hiking his price too. While he has become quite popular on the political front, Pawan’s price is Rs 17 crores for now.
At least that’s the price he charged for Sardar Gabbar Singh. On the other hand, he had quoted a price of Rs 10 crores for Gopala Gopala.Pawan’s last release was Attarintiki Daaredi and it is known that there is intense competition between Pawan and Mahesh for the top slot. While Mahesh has had stupendous collections with Srimanthudu, Pawan intends to break the record with Sardar Gabbar Singh. The film is expected to release in May next year.