Power star Pawan Kalyan and director Trivikram have together quashed the rumors in circulation that the latter had been the driving force behind the political voice of the former. Agnyaathavaasi audio launch event became the venue for this big clarification from these two stalwarts.
Generally, neither Pawan nor Trivikram bother to respond to the rumors circulating about them in media, but it seemed from their speeches at Agnyaathavaasi audio launch event that they had come well prepared to clarify the rumors regarding their political collaboration.
During his speech, Trivikram said that he would love to travel with Pawan for many more years to come. He stressed that he was talking about ‘films only’.
Pawan requested media not to spread rumors about Trivikram and claimed that Trivikram has no role in his political endeavors. He asked media not to malign their friendship by adding political touch to it.
With Pawan giving major time for politics than films in his speech, it seemed he was determined to put a full stop to the rumors of taking Trivikram’s guidance on political front.