A day after the AP Special Status movement failed miserably because of the inordinate restrictions taken up by the state govt. Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan has called up for a media meet. A lot was expected to come from Pawan’s mouth and honestly it did, but ultimately this meeting also turned out to be another pointless meet with no mention worthy outcome.
Repeating the routine in his every media and public meets, Pawan started from how the state bifurcation was done and reminded people voted for Modi hoping that his govt. would allocate the special status.
The main agenda of the meet, the way the AP state govt. subjugated yesterday’s protest and his reaction to it, took backseat as Pawan once again resorted to the usual soft criticism and referred now useless flashback incidents.
Needless to say, yesterday’s incident has shifted the resentment of AP youth from the Centre to TDP regime. Even Pawan was expected to express the same but surprising all, Pawan didnt criticize TDP much. He once has some soft suggestions to Chandrababu. The only people to get the slight scathing remarks from Pawan are Sujana Chowdhary (for his ‘Pig Fights’ comment and irresponsible word usage) and Rayapati Sambasiva Rao (Polavaram issue).
More than the AP protest, Pawan concentrated on the sentiments of South people and questioned why such partiality is being shown towards North people. He mildly warned that South people have started fighting for their sentiments and rights and it was time the Centre respected them before the protests turn violent.
He didn’t reveal even the future course of action of Jana Sena party. One wonders who is really getting benefited from these resolution-less meets. With these kind of acts, the very existence of Jana Sena and Pawan Kalyan might lose its impact.
After reasoning that he didn’t participate in yesterday’s protest as it was an apolitical one and a protest undertaken by youth, Pawan hurriedly concluded the meet although the media men were eager to ask a few more questions.