Ever since Pawan Kalyan submitted the details of his income and assets in his election affidavit, there is widespread criticism that the actor hasn’t mentioned the whole of his assets in it. Especially they are talking about his party office space and newly built house in Amaravathi, capital of Andhra Pradesh. So, what’s the truth?
We do know that Pawan has made gruhu pravesam in Amaravathi along with his wife Anna Lezhenova and later opened the party office too. That asset is worth around 50+ crores easily and it was missing big time from the affidavit. Some even accused that Pawan got the value that property lessened in his declaration.
However a realistic rumor doing rounds in political circles has that both the land and construction of Pawan’s office and house in Amaravathi are actually taken care of by Lingamaneni Ramesh, and that is the reason the Janasena president didn’t mention anything big about it in his declaration. It looks like the property was not fully given to Pawan as a gift but only got registered as a lease.
Though many details of this dealing are not known, political insiders say that Pawan Kalyan is not stupid to leave so many loopholes in his declaration anyway.