Pawan Kalyan’s fans vented out their anger on maverick director Ram Gopal Varma for his double entendre tweet. While heaping praises on Shankar’s upcoming magnum opus I, Varma gently expressed his doubt about PK which don’t go well with Pawan’s fans as his film is also scheduled for Sankranthi release.
RGV first wrote, “Oh my God! I heard Shanker is coming on Sankrantri …I wonder what will happen to PK.” After seeing the fury of Pawan’s fans RGV in his own style retaliated and stated that PK was meant for Aamir’s PK but not about Pawan Kalyan.
Clarifying it, RGV wrote another tweet,”Lot of people seem to be thinking I meant Pawan Kalyan by P K but I only meant P K f Aamir which I thought will run forever.” But with his latest tweet, RGV indirectly praised Aamir by stating that he had expected his film PK would run forever in the theatres.
The big question is that are there any serious takers for RGV’s comment?