Released in 2003, Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s directorial debut Johnny, even though flopped miserably, it was lauded for its martial arts episodes composed by Pawan himself. Especially, Pawan displayed his Aikido skills and enthralled his fans.Now, Pawan’s nephew Ram Charan is all set to showcase his Aikido skills in his ongoing film, Dhruva. Apparently, Charan hired an Aikido experience and trained hard to attain perfection in this Japanese martial art form.
Aikido is a defensive martial art form that largely consists of entering and turning movements that redirect the momentum of an opponent’s attack and defend oneself and the makers thought Aikido would perfectly suit Charan’s role of an IPS officer in Dhruva.
Currently, Charan is shooting for Dhruva in Kashmir as the schedule kick-started in the valley today. Once he returns, Charan is expected to train rigorously to master his moves in Aikido. Even for Bruce Lee, Charan underwent strenuous fitness regime. Let’s hope that all his hardwork will pay off for the Mega Power Star with Dhruva.