Undavalli Arun Kumar, who is known as YSR’s close aide, has found fault with Jagan’s personal comments on Pawan Kalyan. Reacting to Jagan’s comments, Undavalli said it is 100 percent fault of Jagan to intervene into the personal space of Pawan.
“How many wives Pawan has is only the problem of him and his wives. It is not Jagan’s headache,” said Undavalli in Delhi. He said he has not seen Jagan’s comments but he said he has read it in the newspapers and found it wrong.
Undavalli said he would found fault with any political party or political leader who makes such personal comments irrespective of the political parties. Interestingly, ruling TDP has also come to the support of Pawan against Jagan’s personal comments.
Telangana Bill Not Passed in Parliament
Reiterating his statement, Undavalli Arun Kumar said the Telangana Bill is not passed in parliament and said the manner in which the bill was stated as passed in the previous government (2014) is undemocratic. He said he is looking forward to see someone move a debate on the topic in the house in order to admit it as a grave mistake and such mistakes won’t be repeated in the parliament again. Undavalli argued that two MPs were in the well when then Speaker Meira Kumar introduced the bill in the house and it is not as per the letter and spirit of the Parliament norms, rules. He even said the head-count is also less than the total number of attendees in the house then which clearly indicates that “Majority” have not agreed for the bill that means the Telangana Bill is not reality.
Undavalli said he is not demanding to turn back the clock, but he is saying it is a bad precedent and the “Black Day” in the history of the Parliament. Undavalli said all he is demanding is to raise debate on it so that such things won’t repeat in Parliament.