North Indian beauty Payal Rajput who is famously known for her bold and glamorous act in ‘RX100’ has recently vented her anger through Twitter. The sultry siren is known for her uninhibited glamour show and she gained a lot of craze among the youth with it. But she never earned a star status due to the continuous flops.
She is currently working on Manchu Vishnu’s ‘Ginna’ which is in the last leg of its production. Recently, she took to Twitter and expressed her displeasure over the flight staff who damaged her luggage. She posted a couple of photos that showcase her damaged luggage and wrote, “Check in luggage damaged by Indigo, brutally handled by the staff. Worst experience guys!” She even tagged the IndiGo company’s official Twitter handle too in order to take it to their notice.
Born in 1992, Payal is currently working on a few South Indian projects namely ‘Angel’ in Tamil, ‘Ginna’ with Vishnu in Telugu, ‘Head Bush’ in Kannada and ‘Golmaal’ in Tamil. Last year, she appeared in an ‘Aha’ web series named ‘3 Roses’. Let us see if the flight company responds to the ‘Venky Mama’ actress’s complaint or not.