Bold actress Payal Rajput set the temperatures soaring with her latest set of snaps in which she was seen in a slim look. The Punjabi beauty flaunted her toned physique in gym-wear and her physical makeover was there to be seen.Incidentally, Payal Rajput revealed interesting details about her weight loss story and clarified that she shed a few kilos for her upcoming film.
“I slimmed down marginally for my upcoming film which is a remake of a Kannada film. I will be seen as a girl in acute poverty. So, I wanted to get my looks right and hence the physical makeover. I lost 7 kilos in a quick time for this role,” she said.
Payal went on to say that she is following the intermittent fasting regime as a part of which she eats only between 1 PM to 8 PM.
Payal says she has been hoping to emulate Kareena Kapoor’s famous size zero transformation for a while now but she does not want to slim down drastically.
We need to wait and see if Payal’s slim look will land her more offers in Tollywood.