The alleged illegal investments of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy continues to haunt him. The latest is that the Special CBI Court has summoned Jagan Mohan Reddy in the ‘illegal investments’ in Penna Cements. The CBI Court, which has been assigned to hear the cases filed by the Enforcement Directorate, has summoned Jagan Reddy and others.
Jagan’s close aide, his right-hand man, Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Sai Reddy, who is the second accused (A-2) in all the cases booked (in connection with quid pro quo) by the Central Bureau of Investigation against Jagan, has also been summoned in connection with the investments in Penna Cements.
Penna group chairman P Pratap Reddy, PR Energy Holding Limited, Penna Cement Industries Limited, Pioneer Holiday Resorts Limited, Jagan’s Caramel Asia Holdings Private Limited and Indira Television were all summoned.
The special CBI court has directed all the accused and the company representatives to appear before it on March 16. Earlier, the CBI court took into cognizance the charge sheet filed by the ED in the Penna Cements episode. It had earlier summoned Jagan and other accused in the Indu Tech Zone episode.