The recent Hyderabad vet doctor’s brutal rape and murder case has ended with four accused in a police encounter, all of them shot dead. The society, as soon it heard the news, thought that it doesn’t matter if the encounter is fake or pre-planned, but it will give a strong message to the criminals from here on and instil fear in culprits’ hearts’.
While the majority of the nation relishes the encounter, the ace shuttler, Jwala Gutta, who is predominantly known for speaking her heart out on various issues, said that she is disturbed to see people celebrating the news of encounter.
Jwala Gutta, who also became controversial with her statements earlier, said that people are forgetting the accused also have families and one should not celebrate death. Jwala Gutta, who launched her sports academy in Hyderabad on Tuesday, spoke explicitly about her feelings on the encounter of Disha’s case. She added that this encounter is not the first one and no encounter earlier too has put an end to such heinous crimes.
‘We have lost five lives, four accused and Disha. But, the accused also have families, why do we keep forgetting that? They are humans turned into animals. I am not denying it. I have no sympathy for them. But, I wanted to see them penalized as per law and see them suffer. I am still a human being, unlike them and I can’t think like an animal and celebrate death. Also, I think every life is precious — whatever class of life someone belongs to. Why can’t I empathise with lives lost? ‘ Gutta said.
The shuttler further added that finding the root cause is the solution and not encounters. Because we do not have any guarantee that this will stop rapes in future. ‘What are we celebrating? Are we celebrating death? Are we that kind of a society that when there is some kind of death and we all rejoice? We have one of the strongest and most stringent punishments for rapes in the world. How are we celebrating this encounter? Without a trial, without any proof?’.
She went on to blame movies saying that ‘even movies which are extremely violent are becoming hits and we need to start thinking about what is wrong. Though I am a movie lover, I feel movies today are affecting viewers’ mindsets. Somewhere I think, maybe, it could be a cause for crime rates going up’.