People of India voted to BJP and its presidential candidate Narendra Modi giving thumping majority in the last general elections with the hope that he will solve many burning problems in the country.
Modi completed one year in office and let us see what people think about PM Modi’s one year performance. Just like Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma analysed love,marriage and divorce in young couple’s life, let us see the mood swing in people’s perception on PM Modi and his performance.
People from all cities like Delhi,Mumbai,Kolkota,Chennai,Hyderabad,Ahmedabad and Pune expeced Modi to concentrate on Development and economic growth while people in Bangalore wanted PM Modi to concentrate on both development and Hindutva promotion. Many felt RSS and Hindu rightwing organisations are stalling Modi’s development agenda.Many felt that expectations on Modi’s is quite unrealistic.
People favoured Swachch Bharat and Jan Dhan Yojana, Make in India as the top three favourite initiatives launched by Modi government. On land acquisition bill too Modi government got unstaunched support from people and also got thumbsup on Pakistan policy and foreign policy.
People pointed out that Modi’s biggest blunder is not able to reign in motor mouth ministers but are satisfied with the Government on inflation, economic reforms, corruption,blackmoney issues.Overall People gave good marks to PM Modi on his 365 days performance.