When bubbly actress Rakul Preet Singh made her debut in Bollywood with ‘Yaariyaan’ in 2014, she went unrecognized as the film bombed at box office. After 3 years, Bollywood has now come knocking her door as she found stardom in South.
As per latest reports, Rakul has been signed to play the female lead in a Bollywood film being directed by Neeraj Pandey of ‘MS Dhoni: An Untold Story’, ‘Baby’ and ‘Special 26’ fame. Reigning young hero Siddarth Malhotra is playing the hero. The names of the hero and director ensure the film has a huge canvas, thus providing a perfect re-launchpad to Rakul.
Siddarth has already has started shooting for this military espionage film in the picturesque locales of Kashmir. Rakul will join the team for the second schedule that will commence in July. Given the success rate of Neeraj Pandey, Rakul has a promising comeback film. If she utilizes the chance well, she may find the same success in Bollywood that she has been enjoying in South.
Rakul currently has Mahesh Babu’s SPYder and Boyapati’s next in pipeline.