In an unfortunate incident, an elderly person was died on Friday while watching horror-comedy Raju Gari Gadi. One, Amarnath, died while seeing the morning show of Raju Gari Gadi at the Metro theatre in Old City, Hyderabad. Amarnath was 55-year-old. He was from Bahadurpura.
It’s learnt that theatre’s staff spotted Amarnath after the completion of show. By the time they had spotted him, he was found dead. The matter has been informed to local police personnel and the family members of Amarnath.
Knowing of this ill-fated incident, director Ohmkar expressed shock and condolences to the bereaved family. Ohmkar said to have offered Rs 1 Lakh as ex gratia for the victim’s family. Starring Ashwin, Chetan, Dhanya in lead roles, the horror-comedy released last week (Oct 23) on the eve of Dasara was faring well at the ticket windows.